▼Ncom | |
▼Nclusterrr | |
▼NFamicom | |
▼NContainers | |
CFdsBlockDiskInfo | Disk info FDS block (block type 1) |
CFdsBlockFileAmount | File amount FDS block (block type 2) |
CFdsBlockFileData | File data FDS block (block type 4) |
CFdsBlockFileHeader | File header FDS block (block type 3) |
CFdsDiskFile | File on FDS disk - header and data |
CFdsDiskSide | Single FDS disk side: disk info block, file amount block and file blocks |
CFdsFile | File container for FDS games, disk sides collection |
CIFdsBlock | FDS block interface |
CNesFile | iNES / NES 2.0 file container for NES/Famicom games |
CUnifFile | UNIF file container for NES/Famicom games |