Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CFdsBlockDiskInfoDisk info FDS block (block type 1)
 CFdsBlockFileAmountFile amount FDS block (block type 2)
 CFdsBlockFileDataFile data FDS block (block type 4)
 CFdsBlockFileHeaderFile header FDS block (block type 3)
 CFdsDiskFileFile on FDS disk - header and data
 CFdsDiskSideSingle FDS disk side: disk info block, file amount block and file blocks
 CFdsFileFile container for FDS games, disk sides collection
 CIFdsBlockFDS block interface
 CNesFileiNES / NES 2.0 file container for NES/Famicom games
 CUnifFileUNIF file container for NES/Famicom games