
Just another OpenAI client library (chat completion only) with new functions feature support. For .NET 7.

Full documentation:

Simple usage example

internal class Program
const string OpenAIKey = "<insert your OpenAI API key here>";
const string RequestText = "How much o'clock? Also, can you say the current date? And day of the week.";
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var messages = new List<ChatMessage>()
new ChatMessage() { Role = ChatMessage.ChatMessageRole.User, Content = RequestText }
var functions = new Dictionary<string, GptFunction>
["get_time"] = new GptFunction()
Description = "Returns current time in ISO 8601 format",
Function = (args) => Task.FromResult(DateTime.Now.ToString("o")),
Parameters = new JsonObjectSchema()
var gptApi = new ChatGptClient(OpenAIKey);
while (true)
var request = new ChatRequest()
Model = "gpt-4-0613",
Messages = messages,
Functions = new List<ChatFunction>(functions.Select(kv => new ChatFunction() { Name = kv.Key, Description = kv.Value.Description, Parameters = kv.Value.Parameters })),
Temperature = 0.5
// Create empty response
var completionResult = new ChatResponse();
var completionResultStream = gptApi.RequestStreamAsync(request);
// Process stream data
await foreach (var p in completionResultStream)
// You can just use + operator to combine stream chunks
completionResult = completionResult! + p;
// Skip if it's function call
if (completionResult?.Choices?.First()?.Message?.FunctionCall != null)
// Print partial data
if (p.Choices?.FirstOrDefault()?.Delta != null)
if (completionResult?.Choices?.First()?.Message?.FunctionCall == null)
Console.WriteLine($"Function call: {completionResult?.Choices?.First()?.Message?.FunctionCall}");
// Append message to the chat history
var msg = completionResult!.Choices.FirstOrDefault()?.Message!;
if (msg.FunctionCall?.Name != null)
// It's function call
if (!functions.TryGetValue(msg.FunctionCall.Name, out GptFunction? function))
throw new NotImplementedException($"Unknown function: {msg.FunctionCall.Name}");
// calling the fuctions
var argsDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(msg.FunctionCall.Arguments!);
var functionResult = await function!.Function(argsDoc.RootElement);
Console.WriteLine($"Function call result: {functionResult}");
// Need to add function result to the chat history
var functionResultMessage = new ChatMessage(ChatMessageRole.Function, functionResult, msg.FunctionCall.Name);
// Text answer received, done.
class GptFunction
public delegate Task<string> GptFunctionMethod(JsonElement args);
class GptFunction
public delegate Task<string> GptFunctionMethod(JsonElement args);
public required string Description { get; init; }
public required GptFunctionMethod Function { get; init; }
public required IJsonSchema Parameters { get; init; }

Also, check GhatGptTests directory, there is YouTube search demo.

Download on NuGet

dotnet add package ChatGptLib